Limited responsibility

Limited Responsability

Possession of hemp seeds in Spain is not a criminal offense (Vienna Convention 1961). The cultivation of cannabis can lead to administrative and penal sanctions (Article 25.1 of the Organic Law of Protection of Public Safety, Article 368 of the Criminal Code).

We ship all our seeds with the restriction that are not used by third parties against the law, Cali Kings does not propose to induce anyone to act against the law.

With this we explicitly note that anyone buying our seeds is responsible for their future actions.

The description of these and other products for sale on this website have been taken from companies and books written in countries, where laws do not prohibit the use of certain substances (like the Netherlands), this means that some descriptions make allusions to its effects after consumption BY NO MEANS you can consume. It is just information, since these products are sold only for medical and therapeutic purposes, botanical students, naturalists, collectors, as souvenirs from Holland, etc.

If used for human consumption will always be under the sole responsibility of the buyer and about this fact, the company assumes no responsibility.

Unfortunately, the laws regarding the exportation of cannabis seeds often differ from country to country. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you ask about the regulations that apply in your country and comply with the law.

It is forbidden to purchase these products from countries where marijuana seeds are prohibited by law, for example: U.S., Australia, Germany and Asian countries or any other country where possession of cannabis seeds is illegal.

However, if a purchaser in a country not mentioned above buys irresponsibly these products without first having informed himself/herself about local laws in this regard, the company declines all responsibility for possible legal problems hauled and will not reimburse for materials paralyzed or rejected by customs in the line of duty.

We ask for your commitment and responsibility.